Single-frequency ultra-wide-tunable laser systems with high-precision
scanning of radiation line

CW single-frequency ring Ti:Sapphire lasers
695-1050 nm, output > 1.5 W (10 W pump), smooth scanning 5 / 18 / 25 GHz
model "TIS-SF-07": linewidth < 5 MHz rms ...

model "TIS-SF-077": linewidth < 50 kHz rms, frequency drift < 40 MHz/hour ...

model "TIS-SF-777": linewidth < 5 kHz rms, frequency drift < 40 MHz/hour ...

CW single-frequency ring Dye lasers
550-700 nm, output > 1.5 W (10 W pump), smooth scanning 6 / 20 / 50 GHz
model "DYE-SF-07": linewidth < 10 MHz rms ...

model "DYE-SF-077": linewidth < 100 kHz rms, frequency drift < 40 MHz/hour ...
UV-blue-green single-frequency laser system
model "Tisarius-D": tunable
ultra-narrow-linewidth radiation, 350-525 nm, linewidth < 10 kHz,
output: up to 800 mW and more ...
<< Lasers, laser systems and laser equipment