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new New lasers and laser systems

New Lasers

Itterbius-Master Yb fiber laser High-energy Yb-based all-fibre fs/ps/ns laser, model "Ytterbius-Master"
newly developed mode-locked fibre laser with pulse energy up to 5 uJ, record-breaking ultra-low repetition rate up to 30 kHz and super-wide range of output pulse width >>>

Computer-controlled ultra-wide-tunable laser Autoscanned CW narrow-line ultra-wide-tunable laser system, model "T&D-scan"
275-1100 nm, linewidth < 1 GHz, output power: up to 4 W (550-1100 nm), up to 500 mW (275-550 nm) >>>

Powerful source of CW tunable ultra-narrow-linewidth radiation in 
UV-blue-green range UV-blue-green single-frequency laser system with tunable ultra-narrow-linewidth radiation, model "Tisarius-D"
350-525 nm, single-frequency radiation, linewidth < 10 kHz, output: up to 800 mW and more

All our laser products list:
- CW single-frequency ring Ti:Sapphire laser, model "TIS-SF-07" >>>
- Frequency-stabilized CW single-frequency ring Ti:Sapphire laser, model "TIS-SF-077" >>>
- Ultra-narrow-linewidth CW single-frequency ring Ti:Sapphire laser, model "TIS-SF-777" >>>
- CW single-frequency ring Dye laser, model "DYE-SF-07" >>>
- Frequency-stabilized CW single-frequency ring Dye laser, model "DYE-SF-077" >>>
- Resonant frequency doubler for CW single-frequency lasers, model "FD-SF-07" >>>
- UV-blue-green single-frequency laser system with tunable ultra-narrow-linewidth radiation, model "Tisarius-D" >>>
- Hybrid tunable laser systems (Solid-state / Dye), model "TIS/DYE-SF-07/077" >>>
- CW narrow-line Ti:Sapphire laser, model "TIS-FD-08" >>>
- CW narrow-line Dye laser, model "Ametist-FD-08" >>>
- Autoscanned CW narrow-line ultra-wide-tunable laser system, model "T&D-scan" >>>
- CW high-power single-frequency DPSS Green Laser, model "Mozart"
- CW high-power single-frequency DPSS IR Laser, model "Mozart-IR"
- Femtosecond DPSS Yb:KYW laser, model "Femto-Star" >>>
- Femtosecond Ti:Sapphire laser, model "FEMoS"
- High-energy Yb-based fiber fs/ps/ns laser, model "Ytterbius-Master" >>>
- Tunable femto/picosecond Yb fiber laser, model "Ytterbius-1100" >>>
- Femtosecond Er fiber laser, model "Erbius-Femto" >>>
- Frequency doubler for femto-, picosecond lasers, model "FD-FS/PS-07"
- Femtosecond scanning auto-correlator, model "FS-PS-Auto"
- High-resolution scanning interferometer, model "FP-Scan-HR"
- OEM laser products based on customer's request: solid-state, fiber, dye, hybrid lasers and lasers systems for UV-VIS-IR bands

<< Lasers, laser systems and laser equipment