Inzhenernaia 26, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Technopark of Novosibirsk Akademgorodok
Phone: +7-(383)-214-00-09, +7-(383)-363-69-12, +7-(383)-363-42-65
Fax: +7-(383)-363-69-13
E-mail: mail@tekhnoscan.com
CEO & Founder of Tekhnoscan - Lab:
Sergey KOBTSEV, Doctor of Science (DSc.(Habilitation), PhD), Assoc. Prof.
E-mail: kobtsev@tekhnoscan.com
International Representatives
ALSTEK d.o.o.
Verusicka 32, Subotica, 24106, Serbia
Tel.: + 381 63 593 739
E-mail: alstekoffice@alstek.net
Titan Electro-Optics Co. Ltd.
Room 1701-1706, North Wing,
The Gate Tower B, No. 19, Zhongguancun Avenue,
Haidian District, Beijing, 100080
Tel: +86 10 6263 4840 ext 28, fax: +86 10 8261 8238
E-mail: sales@teo.com.cn
Aunion Tech Co. Ltd.
3rd Floor, F Building, Everbright Convention and Exhibition Center,
No. 86 Caobao road, Shanghai 200235
Tel.: +86-21-5108 3793, fax: +86-21-34241962#8009
E-mail: info@auniontech.com
ETSC Technologies Co.
9/F Building 1, SBI, Dongxin Road, East Lake Hi-Tech Development Zone,
Wuhan, Hubei, 430074
Tel: +86-27-87807925 / 87170152/87412681, fax: +86-27-87807133
E-mail: sales@etsc-tech.com
Del Mar Photonics, Inc.
4119 Twilight Ridge, San Diego, CA 92130
Tel.: +1-858-876-3133, fax: +1-858-630-2376
E-mail: sales@dmphotonics.com
Germany, Austria:
HT Laser UG
Weissdornweg 8, 48159 Muenster, Germany
Tel.: +49-251-23927543, fax.:+49-253-49746853
E-mail: info@htlaser.de
Specialise Instruments Marketing Company
305, Kailas Industrial Complex, A-Wing, 3rd Floor
Building No.2, Parksite Vikhroli(W)
Mumbai 400079, India
Tel.: +91-22-25171922 / +91-22-25171923, fax: +91-22-25171924
E-mail: info@simc.co.in
Energy Laser Srl
Via Sottocorno 5/A, 20129 Milano, Italy
Tel.: +39-02-763-924-30, fax: +39-02-763-983-67
E-mail: info@energylaser.com
Aekip SA
Rue du Centre, 140, 1025, St. Sulpice, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 21 534 5612
E-mail: info@aekip.ch
South Korea:
ShinHo Photonwaves Co.
A-112 LG Eclat 142-7 Samsung-dong, Gangnam-gu Seoul 135-090 Korea
Tel.: +82-2-552-7192, fax: +82-2-552-7193
E-mail: sales@photonwaves.com
Spectro Co.
#102 BI Center in GIST, 1 Oryong-dong, Buk-gu, GwangJu 500-712 Korea
Tel.: +82-62-971-8674, fax.:+82-62-971-8673
E-mail: spectro@spectroco.com
Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia:
Acexon Technologies Pte. Ltd.
9 Jurong Town Hall Road #02-19 iHUB, 609431 Singapore
Tel: +65 6565-7300, fax: +65 6565-7005
E-mail: sales@acexon.com
Taiwan, R.O.C.:
Pretek Company Ltd.
3F, No. 4, Lane 31, Hsin Ho St., Hsin Tien, Taipei 231, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel.: +886-2-8941-1372, fax: +886-2-2945-3987
E-mail: pretek@ms67.hinet.net
SLEO Photonics Company Ltd.
6F, No. 2, Lane 74, An-der St., Hsin Tien, Taipei 231, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel.: +886-2-2211-5408, fax: +886-2-2211-5401
E-mail: sleo.jimmy@msa.hinet.net
For all other countries please contact Tekhnoscan:
e-mail: mail@tekhnoscan.com
phone: +7-(383)-214-00-09, +7-(383)-363-42-65, fax: +7-(383)-363-69-13