Resonant Frequency Doubler for CW single-frequency lasers

FD-SF-07 Data Sheet
The resonant frequency doubler FD-SF-07 provides efficient generation of the
second-harmonics of output radiation of CW single-frequency lasers such as
Ti:Sapphire/Dye lasers, DPSS lasers
(Nd:YVO4, Yb:YAG), fiber lasers (Yb, Er), and others.
FD-SF-07 doubler features improved doubling efficiency and solid ultrastable
performance when pumped with frequency-unstabilised lasers or when operated
under conditions of high external acoustic perturbations and vibrations.
Rigid and compact ring cavity combined with ultra-fast two-stage system that
locks the frequency of the cavity to the frequency of the input radiation are
a guarantee for high stability of the output power of the second harmonic.
Optimised resonator in combination with high-quality mirrors and high
performance AR coatings of the optical surfaces of the non-linear crystal
ensures relatively high level of output second-harmonic power. Pumped with 1 W
fundamental radiation power the doubler outputs: more than 250 mW within the
350-475 nm range (for 700-950-nm input), > 200 mW within the 275-350 nm
range (for 550-700-nm input), and > 150 mW within the 244-275 nm range
(for 488-550-nm input). In these conditions the maximum efficiency of
conversion of the fundamental radiation into the second harmonics reaches
40% for Ti:Sapphire pump laser and 25% for green DPSS/Yb:YAG pump lasers
(532/515 nm) at the output power of these lasers of >=1 W.
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